Solar System Monitoring
Solar Montoring – Measuring success
In business management, you’ll likely hear the phrase “what gets measured, get managed” or some variation thereof. It essentially means that if you’re looking to improve or maintain something, the best place to start is by measuring it.
The same can be said when it comes to monitoring systems for solar power. If you want to keep your system in top form, then measuring its performance can help you turn data into actionable information.
At their core, solar monitoring systems have been developed to help homeowners and businesses maximise their system’s performance and, ultimately, save money.
Smart solar monitoring software delivers you more value from your solar system. Get more confidence in your system, more savings, and more insights and potentially less down time.
Sunoxi utilise both native and non native monitoring solutions to measure and perfromance.
Native monitoring is from the inverter manufacturer such as Fronius SolarWeb or Victron’s VRM or Selectronics SelectLive or Enphase Enlighten
Savings Analyst
Energy Insights
Performance Monitoring
Solar Monitoring Platforms
Built for the end customer, Intuitive, Smart and built to make Solar simple
Keep an eye on the system at all times
Advantages of system monitoring
☀ Play it safe: monitor energy yield
☀ Save more: optimise energy consumption
☀ State of the art: always keep your PV system up-to-date
Solar Analytics
Solar monitoring for all systems
SwitchDIN have created a platform that securely communicates with and controls virtually any solar system, battery or load, delivering performance intelligence, insight and remote management capabilities.
Now every device, and every corner of the grid can be coordinated, delivering the flexibility required for the transition to a renewable energy future, at a time we really need it.