Solar installation Darwin NT – Energy You Will Love
Solar Power NT
Huge savings on your energy bills.
Power your home with clean, natural energy generated from the sun. With over a decade servicing the greater Darwin region and Northern Territory Sunoxi delivers, Reliable, sustainable and cost effective solar solutions that make an immidiate impact on your energy expenditure, theres no better time to invest in an end to end solar solution for your home or business.
Affordable, best in class Darwin solar systems, by Darwin locals. Our tailored to your needs solar designs will meet your energy needs and absolutely smash your Jacana bill, take a look.
Buy 6.6kW and get 2 panels for free = 7.6kW
Home owners upgrade your home with 2 free solar panels with every 6.6kW system.
Additionally we’ll throw in a smarter meter for consumption monitoring.
Cash Back Commercial Solar 30-100kW
Invest in a Commercial solar system for your business.
Save on your energy and lock in your power prices from ever increasing grid bought energy
Solar Power System for your Home
If you’re just starting your solar journey or you want to enhance your current NT solar power system, enjoy financial rewards and energy security from safe reliable Solar energy. Sunoxi’s solar panel installations are tailored to work for your home and with over 3500 installations accross the NT we know our stuff.
Commercial Solar NT
Change your 2024 energy plan to include solar power with a commercial solar system. By making renewable energy a part of your business operations energy mix you’ll improve your bottom line without it costing the earth.
While each design is different quite often a commercial solar system can have an ROI of 25% -40%. Check out some of our recent projects to learn more.
Off-Grid Solar
Solar panels installed remotely are just as effective as solar panels Darwin (NT)
Off grid systems for stations, remote communities or if you just enjoy the tranquillity of living off-grid. Have all the benefits of your own Stand Alone Power System (SAPS) with out the cost of fuel.
Speciliased PPA arrangments for larger systems with 90 days free electricity. Enquire within
Solar Service & Maintenance Darwin
Like all equipment more uptime is better performance and for solar energy uptime is yeild and yeild is the ROI.
Solar panels in Darwin need cleaning every so often to remove the grime that the wet season doesn’t take care of. Additionally the electrical components need inspection to mkae sure they continue to work at their peak.
Sunoxi service and maintain residential with and without battery, commercial, industrial, off the grid solar installations throughout the NT. Darwin, Palmerston, Palmerston, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs.

Solar panels
Solar panel development continues to march on. Improvements in power output, solar power technology and PV Cell efficiency is a daily occurrence. With over a decade of designing, buying and maintaining solar PV across the NT, Sunoxi knows the difference between what works and marketing spin.
We choose to work with brands that have excellent credentials and proven longevity in the industry.
Solar batteries
Battery storage lets you store your excess solar power to use when you need it most – usually at night or when it’s cloudy. Did you know that some PV Cells work even when the sky is grey?
Maximise your solar investment and $ave
A high-quality, well-installed solar battery enables you to use more energy on your terms. Increase the amount of sustainable power in your home or small business. Reduce reliance on the grid with the latest battery storage tech.
Our Process
We have analysed home and business electricity consumption for over a decade. Every customer has a different consumption pattern. Even your neighbour uses energy differently.
Our experience with modelling allows us to make fast, accurate and efficient predictions about your power consumption and with this we can recommend the best fit for purpose solar or solar + battery solution.
1. Discovery Call
With over a decade designing and installing solar we know that every home, business and customer has a different consumption pattern from the neighbour. Our experience and modelling allow a fast, accurate and efficient model to be developed for your solar power profile.
In this initial discovery call we work out if a solar system can be of benefit to your home or business.
2. System design
With an energy consumption profile developed. A bespoke site specific system design can be created. The design will give energy output, roof orientation and annual performance figures for the designed system and your properties individual aspects.
3. Follow up design and proposal discussion
After system design we talk through the available products and what suits your needs, budget and system design criteria.
We can amend the product selection or design based on your needs and our accredited designers can work through any positive or negative impacts.
4. Installation
Our installers are the best. They’ll work through the design safely and efficiently and some times in-spite of the top end weather. We’re always available to discuss the process and challenges on hand for the designed system.
5. Start saving
From the day of completion you will start saving energy. The inverter topology of choice will come with a monitoring platform which we will assist you in setting up giving you peace of mind and data at your finger tips.
If required a meter change or meter re-programme will occur shortly after with the utility company.

Our Background
We design new solar systems to be “battery ready.” New batteries and storage technology is hitting the market almost every week. We already install the Tesla Powerwall and the Fronius Gen24.
We can also recommend the right electricity tariff to suit your electricity consumption generally.
The threat of increasing electricity prices poses a significant challenge for small business. Installing a commercial system is one solution.
Solar power reduces energy costs and can significantly reduce business risk in the future.